a poem
after a reading by my dear friend, Lenny DellaRocca a poem is an exorcism from the inside out a death threat, an oracle, a billboard of fresh air, news from the front, a poem is a writ of habeus corpus, a bit of flotsam from the wreckage of your soul, a letter home returned to sender a poem says: aw shucks, ma. its just a scratch. a poem says: apocalypse now, mutha-fucka. a poem is a ransom note, a recipe, a lost balloon, a treatise, a warning, a buoy, a mile marker, smoke, lots of smoke a shovel, wings, an aqualung, a space capsule, a time capsule, a capsule of you'll-never-take-me-alive cyanide, another hole in the ground a poem is a mythical beast, and a slayer of beasts, a poem is what's left - Michael Mackin O'Mara |
Published online in Chameleon Chimera and the print anthology from Purple Ink Press |